Fundamental Objections
A) Proposals are detrimental to
local built environment & in conflict with local planning
The proposed development is in complete
conflict with policy SP11 of the Local Plan Strategic Policies
document which states:
‘All new development should
enhance and enrich Haringey’s built environment and create places
and buildings that are high quality and attractive’.
Development should be of the
highest standards of design that respects its local context and
character and historic significance.
The existing building is attractive,
with materials, massing and style entirely in keeping with the
existing built environment.
The applicants propose to replace it
with buildings that are completely out of scale, ugly and in conflict with the adjacent local architecture in every respect. The building
design is poor and, apart from the retention of the front façade,
has absolutely no ‘respect for its local context and character and
historical significance’.
The current building’s roof is not visible from the road. All the adjacent buildings have pitched roofs – the Arthouse cinema buildings, Kwit Fit, and all the houses in
the Conservation Area of Fairfield Road. Hence the flat roofs of both proposed buildings are completely wrong and destroy the rhythm of the local architecture.
Hence the proposed development would be severely detrimental to the local built environment.
B) Height and mass of proposed main building on Tottenham Lane
Proposed building would tower over Citadel, creating a looming presence over the historically significant Victorian chapel
It would create a ‘canyon’ between 161 and new development at 159 Tottenham Lane in which the Citadel would be completely dwarfed.
Totally out of scale with adjacent buildings
While the existing building is raked and lower at the rear the proposed building would be the same height at the rear and a significantly larger visual mass.
The flat roof of the proposed building is made higher by the (unspecified so far) extra height of the rooftop housing of the lift mechanism and plant equipment.
Loss of privacy due to rear balconies on upper floors
The additional height and massing of the proposed building would be clearly visible from Tottenham Lane above the roof of the Citadel, and significantly detrimental to the street scene. It would stick out like a sore thumb when viewed from the rear, totally out of proportion with adjacent buildings.
C) Intrusive design &
poor configuration of proposed rear houses
The proposed ‘dark grey zinc’
is totally in conflict with the prevailing brick walls of the area,
and would make the visual intrusion even worse for Fairfield Road
residents and oppressive in the immediately neighbouring gardens.
A house wall on the boundary would
inevitably kill existing trees which provide valuable visual amenity
from the Conservation Area, softening the urban landscape
The flat roofs are completely
contrary to the architectural rhythm of the area.
The overall effect of the massing
of these houses would be to ‘destroy’ the character of this part
of the conservation area
Concern regarding noise from balconies and winter gardens, whose roofs would be able to be opened
Poor light conditions for residents of the houses, with single aspect windows facing a high wall which cuts out sunlight and significantly reduces daylight
Unnecessary additional, very small balconies with a primary view of large Kwit Fit brick wall but also overlooking Fairfield Road gardens generating lack of privacy for existing residents – why have it as well as garden and winter garden?
Additional Major Objections
D) Unnecessary additional retail
spaceThe proposed development includes a retail space on the ground floor. Crouch End has more than enough retail spaces, several of which are already empty. Crouch End needs housing, not more
retail space so the ground floor should be used for housing.
E) Fire Safety Concerns
The proposals highlight the existing ramp between 159 and 161, ‘which allows for a right of way in case of fire'. The proposed design of the rear houses would remove this access completely. The existing vehicular access from the front would also be lost in the proposed design of the front building.
F) More units, no parking spaces
Whilst residents could not apply for a resident’s permit, they could still own cars.
G) Low quality amenity spaceProposed gardens would have virtually no light since they are small and hemmed in on three sides by 2-4 storey buildings.
The fourth side of all the gardens would have a barrier to sunlight.
Plants would not flourish and soft planted would easily become waterlogged due to lack of sunlight. As such these gardens are low
quality amenity space for the house residents.
Closing date 3rd December
Go to , click Housing and Planning then ‘View planning applications’. The reference is HGY/2014/3139
Valerie Oleiyi, Planning Officer, Haringey Council,
639 High Road LONDON, N17 8BD
Ref application: HGY/2014/3139